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April 1, 2024

Is My Dad a Narcissist Quiz

Kristie Plantinga
elderly white man sits on a porch swing talking; is my dad a narcissist quiz
April 1, 2024
5 min to read
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Does your relationship with your dad make you feel confused and upset, leaving you wondering whether narcissism plays a role?

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) can be a complex issue in family dynamics. People with NPD often have an inflated sense of self-importance, a deep need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. These traits can create significant challenges in parent-child relationships.

This quiz is not a diagnosis, but it can be a helpful tool for self-reflection. By exploring your dad's behaviors, you can gain some insight into whether certain narcissistic tendencies might be impacting your relationship and causing you harm.

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At Best Therapists, we believe that online mental health quizzes can be an excellent first step towards improving our mental health. Quizzes like this one can educate you and provide opportunities for self-reflection, but note that they are not a substitute for professional assessments and diagnoses.

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Example narcissistic scenarios

Here are some examples of how a parent with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) might behave, even within a relationship that includes moments of affection:

Scenario 1 → The spotlight hogger at your milestones

  • The loving action: Your parent attends your graduation or wedding, showering you with hugs and congratulations.
  • The narcissistic twist: They dominate the conversation with stories about themselves, subtly downplaying your achievements or using the occasion to brag about their own parenting skills.

Scenario 2 → Conditional love with public displays

  • The loving action: Your parent buys you expensive gifts or throws you elaborate birthday parties, making you feel loved and special.
  • The narcissistic twist: This generosity comes with strings attached. They might use these displays of affection to manipulate you or publicly shame you if you don't meet their expectations.

Scenario 3 → The master of guilt trips and pity plays

  • The loving action: Your parent expresses how much they've sacrificed for you and how much they "need" your help.
  • The narcissistic twist: They guilt you into prioritizing their needs over your own, making you feel responsible for their happiness. This emotional manipulation creates an obligation that can be stifling.

Scenario 4 → The dismissive critic with impossibly high standards

  • The loving action: Your parent offers advice or feedback, seemingly wanting to help you succeed.
  • The narcissistic twist: Their "advice" is always laced with criticism. They might dismiss your accomplishments as mediocre or constantly remind you of how you could have done better.

Scenario 5 → The "I know you better than you know yourself" excuse

  • The loving action: Your parent claims to understand you better than anyone else and makes decisions for you, "for your own good."
  • The narcissistic twist: This smothers your individuality and sense of autonomy. They might disregard your feelings or desires under the guise of knowing what's best for you.

It's important to remember that narcissistic parents can be charming and affectionate at times. However, their behavior is often self-serving and can leave you feeling emotionally drained and confused.

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Written by
Kristie Plantinga

Kristie Plantinga is the founder of Best Therapists. Along with being on the client-side of therapy, Kristie has had the honor of working directly with therapists in her marketing agency for therapists, TherapieSEO. While working alongside therapists, she learned about the inequities in our mental health system that therapists face on a daily basis, and she wanted to do something about it. That’s why Best Therapists is a platform designed to benefit not only therapy-seekers, but therapy providers. Kristie has a Masters degree in Written Communication and a Bachelors degree in Psychology and Music.

Reviewed by
Katelyn McMahon
Registered Psychotherapist, VT #097.0134200

Katelyn is a therapist-turned-writer with a passion for mental health. She has a Master's degree in Social Work from the University of England and is a Registered Psychotherapist in the state of Vermont. Katelyn has professional experience in aging care, addiction treatment, integrated health care, and private practice settings. She also has lived experience being on the client side of therapy. Currently, Katelyn is a content writer who’s passionate about spreading mental health awareness and helping other therapists and therapy-seekers Do The Work.

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