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November 17, 2023

3 Best San Diego Anxiety Treatment Centers

Kristie Plantinga
man in military clothing, woman in hijab, and white woman sit with a therapist in a group therapy setting; best san diego anxiety treatment centers
November 17, 2023
7 min to read
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Deciding to go to an anxiety treatment center is a difficult choice. Anxiety is hard enough to live with, and making the brave decision to pursue treatment can be overwhelming (and a little scary!). On top of it all, you still have to select an anxiety center that’s right for you.

There are tons of centers to choose from, and they all offer different treatments and approaches to anxiety.

Below, we’ve curated a list of three of the best anxiety treatment centers we researched in San Diego. We also explain a few things to consider when deciding between going to a treatment center or seeing an anxiety therapist.

1. PsyClarity Mental Health Facility

PsyClarity Health offers a range of mental health treatment options. Their highest level of care is the Residential and Inpatient Treatment Programs, which provide a safe and secure environment with round-the-clock staff. These programs are designed to address each patient’s unique needs and challenges.

In addition to residential care, they also offer Outpatient and Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP). These programs allow patients to manage their daily responsibilities while addressing their mental health. The programs include psychotherapy techniques such as Dialectical Behavioral Therapy and Eye Movement Desensitization and Response (EMDR).

PsyClarity Health’s approach to mental health treatment is comprehensive and evidence-based, guided by compassionate clinical care teams. Their goal is to provide support, strength, and privacy to patients as they navigate their recovery journey.

2. BOLD Health

BOLD Health believes they have a groundbreaking approach to personal growth and fulfillment. With a strong belief in self-improvement and self-discovery, their dedicated team collaborates with each client to unlock their true potential and conquer substance abuse and emotional barriers. 

BOLD Health is committed to evidence-based treatments, crafting customized plans that cater to individual needs. They provide the utmost level of care for mental health and addiction treatment, empowering clients to become the authors of their own lives and seize control of their future. 

At BOLD Health, their unwavering passion revolves around you and your journey towards a brighter tomorrow.

3. Center for Natural Anxiety Relief

This center takes a more natural approach to managing anxiety. They believe anxiety can stem from various factors, and homeopathic and naturopathic approaches can address these underlying causes. Their physicians create personalized treatment plans to tackle the root causes of your anxiety, collaborating with you throughout the process.

Should I go to an anxiety treatment center or see a therapist?

Deciding between going to an anxiety treatment center and seeing an anxiety therapist depends on the severity of your anxiety symptoms, your individual needs, and the recommendations of healthcare professionals. 

Before making your decision, it's important to consult with a mental health professional or your primary care physician. They can evaluate your specific situation and symptoms and guide you towards the best treatment option for you.

Here are a few factors to consider when making the choice between a treatment center or working with a therapist.

When to see an anxiety therapist

  • If your anxiety is mild or moderate: If your anxiety symptoms are manageable and do not significantly interfere with your daily functioning, you may start by seeking therapy with a licensed anxiety therapist.
  • If you prefer outpatient and less frequent treatment: If you can function in your day-to-day life fairly well and want to keep your schedule as it is, working with an anxiety therapist may be a better choice. Since treatment at a center is more intensive, you will likely spend more time in treatment. If that time commitment isn’t possible for you, working with a therapist one-on-one is likely a better choice.

When to go to an anxiety treatment center

  • If your anxiety is severe: If your anxiety symptoms are severe, debilitating, or significantly impact your ability to function in various areas of life, an anxiety treatment center may be more appropriate. These centers often provide a higher level of care and support, which helps you get out of your more severe situation sooner.
  • If you want intensive treatment: Anxiety treatment centers offer specialized programs and services such as intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) and residential treatment programs. These programs provide a more structured and comprehensive approach to managing anxiety.

Ready to work with an anxiety therapist?

If you feel that an anxiety therapist is the best choice for you at this time, we’re here to help. We vet anxiety therapists so you can focus on fit, not quality. Find an anxiety specialist near you today!

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Written by
Kristie Plantinga

Kristie Plantinga is the founder of Best Therapists. Along with being on the client-side of therapy, Kristie has had the honor of working directly with therapists in her marketing agency for therapists, TherapieSEO. While working alongside therapists, she learned about the inequities in our mental health system that therapists face on a daily basis, and she wanted to do something about it. That’s why Best Therapists is a platform designed to benefit not only therapy-seekers, but therapy providers. Kristie has a Masters degree in Written Communication and a Bachelors degree in Psychology and Music.

Reviewed by
Katelyn McMahon
Registered Psychotherapist, VT #097.0134200

Katelyn is a therapist-turned-writer with a passion for mental health. She has a Master's degree in Social Work from the University of England and is a Registered Psychotherapist in the state of Vermont. Katelyn has professional experience in aging care, addiction treatment, integrated health care, and private practice settings. She also has lived experience being on the client side of therapy. Currently, Katelyn is a content writer who’s passionate about spreading mental health awareness and helping other therapists and therapy-seekers Do The Work.

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